Connect to Remote Computer=Lidhu me kompjuterin e largδt
Connect to &single computer=Lidhu me njδ &kopjuteri
Scan local &network for computers=Kδrko &rrjetin lokal pδr kopjuterδ
Connection Established=Lidhja qδndron
Client Connected=Client-i δshtδ lidhur
Connection Refused=Refuzohet lidhja
Please enter command line=Julutem jepeni udhδzimin nδ rrjeshtin komandues
Please enter process name=Julutem jepeni emrin e procesit
Please enter service name=Julutem jepeni emrin e servisit
Incoming Message=Mesazh nδ hyrje
Run Program=Starto programin
Remote File Browsing=Kδrkim skedarδsh nδ PC tδ largδt
Remote Screen Shot=Screenshot nδ PC tδ largδt
Remote Program Launch=Startim programi nδ PC tδ largδt
Remote Server Shutdown=╟kyq Server-in e largδt
Remote Power Off=╟kyq PC-nδ e largδt
Remote Restart=Ristarto PC-nδ e largδt
Remote Log Off=╟'lajmrim nga PC e largδt
Remote computer is currently busy. Please try again later=Kopmjuteri i largδt δshtδ momentalisht i zδnδ. Ju lutem provoni pak mδ vonδ.
Connection Type=Tipi i lidhjes
Server Log=Protokoli i server-it
// remote monitor
Remote Monitor=Ekrani i largδt
Connect to Remote Computers=Lidhu me kompjuterδt e largδt
Connect to &Remote Computers=Lidhu me kompjuterδt e &largδt
&Remove from List=&Largo nga lista
Pending=Nδ pritje
Busy=I zδnδ
OS=Sistemi operativ
Idle Time=Kohδ e lirδ
Mem. Total=Gjithδsejt memorje
Mem. Free=Memorje e lirδ
Disk Total=Disku gjithδsejt
Disk Free=Disku i lirδ
Active Window=Dritarja aktive
Process #%d=Procesi #%d
Service #%d=Servisi #%d
Screen Shot=Screenshot
Save Screen Shot=Depono screenshot
JPEG files=Skedar JPEG
Save &As=&Depono si
Date Modified=Data u ndryshua
Process and Service Monitor=Ekrani i proceseve dhe servisit
Process #%d name:=Emri i procesit #%d:
Service #%d name:=Emri i servisit #%d:
Update Frequency=Fresko frekuencδn
UpTime, IdleTime:=UpTime, IdleTime:
CPU usage:=Pδrdorimi i CPU-sδ:
Memory usage:=Pδrdorimi i memorjes:
Hard disk usage:=Pδrdorimi i diskut:
Network usage:=Pδrdorimi i rrjetit:
SMART status:=Statuti SMART:
Anti-virus status:=Statuti i antivirusδve:
Process count:=Numδro proceset:
Active window:=Dritarja aktive:
Process monitor:=Ekrani i procesit:
Service monitor:=Ekrani i servisit:
Start Service=Servisi startues
St&art Service=Servisi st&artues
Stop Service=Servisi ndalδs
&Stop Service=&Servisi ndalδs
Connect &To=&Kyτu me
Computer Groups=Grupet e kompjuterδve
New Computer Group=Grup i ri kompjuterδsh
Modify Computer Group=Modifiko grupin e kompjuterδve
&Group name:=Emri i &grupit:
Address may be one of the following items:=Adresa mund tδ jet njδ nga pikat nδ vazhdim:
computer name (e.g. ADMINPC)=emri i kompjutrit ( ADMINPC)
IP address (e.g. (
IP address range (e.g.δsira e IP-adresδs (
Multiple addresses can be entered, separated by comma=Adresa tδ ndryshme mund tδ ipen, por duhet ndarδ me presje
Display disk spaces in &GB=Pasqyro madhδsinδ e diskut nδ &GB
Shortcuts=Shortcuts (Hop)
&Command-line:=Rrjeshti &komandues:
Run on the &local computer=Ekzekuto nδ kompjuterin &lokal
Run on the &remote computer=Ekzekuto nδ kompjute&rin e largδt
// remote report
New=I ri
&New=&I ri
N&ew=I &ri
&Select All=Zgjidh tδ &gjithδ
&Clear All=&Zhlyej tδ gjithδ
Command sent=Udhδzimi u dδrgua
Welcome to the Remote Report wizard=Mirδ se vini tek asistenti i rrjetit tδ largδt
This wizard will help you to create report files of remote computers.=Ky asistent do t'u ndihmojδ tδ krijoni njδ skedarδ raporti rreth kompjuterit tδ largδt
Remote computers=Kompjuterδt e largδt
&Remote Computers=Kompjute&rδt e largδt
Please choose the computers you want to have report of:=Ju lutem zgjidhni kompjuterδt rreth tδ cilδve doni tδ bδni njδ raport:
Report output=Dalja e raportit
Please enter reports file name and reports folder:=Ju lutem jepeni emrin e skedarit dhe tδ follderit:
&Destination folder for the collected reports:=&Follderi i cakut pδr raportet e zgjedhura:
File&name for the collected reports:=Emri i &skedarit pδr raportet e zgjedhura:
Save to &file=&Depono nδ skedarδ
&Send in e-mail=&Dδrgo nδ e-mail
// remote processes
End Process=Pδrfundo procesin
&End Process=&Pδrfundo procesin
Are you sure you want to end '%s'?=A jeni i sigurt se doni tδ pδrfundoni '%s'?
// winsock errors
Remote computer cannot be found=S'mund tδ gjejδ kompjuterin e largδt
Connection timed out=Lidhjes i tejkaloi afati
Remote computer name cannot be resolved=Nuk mund tδ zgjedhδ kompjuterin e largδt
// info database status
Info Database Status=Informatδ rreth statutit tδ datotekδs
Motherboards=Pllakδza amδ
Hard Disk Drives=Disqet
Optical Drives=Disqet optike
Video Adapters=Adapterδt grafik
JEDEC Manufacturers=Prodhuesit JEDEC
// database manager
Database Manager=Menagjeri i datotekδs
%d reports=%d raporte
%d computers=%d kompjuter
%d users=%d pδrdorues
%d days old=%d ditδ
%d reports selected=%d raporte tδ zgjedhura
Show &Outdated Reports=&Trego raportet qδ kanδ tejkaluar afatin
&Insert Report Files to Database=&Shto skedarδt e raportit nδ datotekδ
&Export Selected Reports=&Eksporto raportet e zgjedhura
&Delete Selected Reports=&Zhlyej raportet e zgjedhura
Delete &Outdated Reports=Zhlyej raportet me afat tδ &tejkaluar
Switch &RComplete Field to Yes=Kyτ fushδn &RComplete nδ PO
Do you want to insert '%s' file to database?=A dδshironi tδ shtoni '%s' skedarδ nδ datotekδ?
Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=A dδshironi tδ shtoni '%s' skedarδ raporti nδ datotekδ?
outdated=Kaluar afati
Inserting report file to database=Duke shtuar skedarin e raportit nδ datotekδ
Exporting report from database=Duke eksportuar raportin nga datoteka
Deleting report from database=Duke zhlyer raportin nga datoteka
Insert Report Files to Database=Shto skedarδt e raportit nδ datotekδ
&Use file name instead of computer name=&Pδrdor emrin e skedarit nδ vend tδ emrit tδ kompjuterit
&Only insert the lines used by Audit Statistics=&Shto vetδm rrjeshta tδ pδrdorur nga statistika e auditimit
New version of %s found=Gjeta njδ verzion tδ ri tδ %s.
Do you want to upgrade to it=Doni tδ bδni njδ update?
Ready to update=Gati pδr update.
Local Folder=Follder lokal
Software Update=Software Update
Downloading %s=Shkarkoj %s
Update Description=Pδrshkrimi i update-it
Update Comment=Komentim i update-it
Update Type=Update-Tipi
Product Description=Pδrshkrim i produktit
Product Copyright=Produkt Copyright
Product Comment=Komentim i produktit
Preview version - Only for testing purposes=Preview Version - Vetδm pδr qδllim testimi.
Beta release=Beta Release
Final release=Final Release
// report wizard
Report wizard=Asistenti raportues
Remote Report wizard=Asistenti i raportit tδ largδt
Quick Report=Raport i shpejtδ
Remote Report=Raporti i largδt
&Next=Mδ &tutje
Welcome to the Report wizard=Mirδ se erdhδt tek asistenti raportues!
This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=Ky asistent ju ndihmon tδ bδni njδ raport rreth kompjuterit tuaj.
After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=Pas pδrfundimit tδ kδtij asistenti mund tδ shtypni raportin, tδ depononi apo tδ dδrgoni me e-mail
Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=Ju lutem tentoni t'i reduktoni informatat tδ cilat dδshironi t'i shtoni nδ raport, me qδllim tδ evitimit tδ njδ raporti tδ gjatδ.
You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=Ju mund tδ ndihmoni zhvillimin e programit duke i dδrguar autorit raporte tδ kompjuterδve tδ ndryshδm:
To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=Pδr tδ qenδ tδ sigurt se nuk dδshironi tδ dδrgoni raporte me informata konfidenciale, ju duhet tδ zgjidhni profilin e ashtδquajtur "Faqet me ngjashmδri hardueri":
Report Profiles=Profilet e raporteve
Please choose a desired report layout profile:=Julutem zgjidhni pamjen e profilit pδr raportin:
&All pages=Tδ gjitha &faqet
Sys&tem Summary only=V&etδm njδ pδrmbledhje tδ sistemit
&Hardware-related pages=Vetδm raport &Hardware-i
&Software-related pages=Vetδm raport &Software-i
B&enchmark pages=Faqe &krahasuese
Pages required for a&udit=Faqet e nevojshme pδr k&ontrollim
&Custom selection=Selektim &vetjak
&Load from file:=Thirr nga s&kedari:
Custom Report Profile=Profil i zakonshδm i raportit
Please select the pages you want to include in the report:=Julutem zgjidhni faqet tδ cilat doni t'i vendosni nδ raport:
Report format=Formati i raportit
Please choose a desired report format:=Julutem zgjidhni formatin e raportit:
Operating system information=Informat rreth sistemit operativ
Running processes list=Lista e proceseve tδ ekzekutuara
Installed system drivers list=Shtytδsit e instaluar tδ sistemit
Services list=Lista e serviseve
List of .AX files in system folder=Lista e skedarδve .AX nδ follderin e sistemit
List of .DLL files in system folder=Lista e skedarδve .DLL nδ follderin e sistemit
UpTime and DownTime statistics=Statistika e kohδs dhezδ dhe asaj fikδ
Server information=Informatat e server-it
Shared folders and printers list=Lista e follderδve dhe printerδve tδ pδrbashkδt
Remotely opened files list=Lista e skedarδve tδ largδt tδ hapur
Account security information=Informatat e sigurisδ sδ kontos
List of users logged into this computer=Lista e pδrdoruesve tδ lajmδruar nδ kδtδ kompjuter
User accounts list=Lista kontove tδ pδrdoruesve
Local groups and their members list=Lista e grupeve lokale dhe anδtarδve tδ tyre
Global groups and their members list=Lista e grupeve globale dhe anδtarδve tδ tyre
Display adapters, monitors, desktop information=Informatat rreth adapterit tδ ekranδve, ekranet, sipδrfaqja e punδs
Display adapters information=Informatat e adapterit tδ ekranit
List of video adapters connected to PCI bus and AGP port=Lista e video-adapterδve tδ lidhur me PCI bus dhe AGP port
Graphics processor information=Informatat e procesorit grafik
Monitors list, Plug-n-Play monitor information=Lista e ekranδve, Plug-n-Play informatat e ekranit
Desktop properties, desktop effects settings=Vetitδ e Desktop-it, opcionet dhe efektet
List of all monitors connected=Lista e tδ gjithδ ekranδve tδ lidhur
OpenGL video adapter information=OpenGL informatat e kartelδs grafike
Installed fonts list=Lista e shkrimeve tδ instaluara
Multimedia devices, audio and video codecs information=Mjetet multimediale, Audio- dhe Videocodec informatat
Audio input/output devices list=Lista e Audiomjeteve pδr hyrje dhe dalje
List of audio adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=Lista e audioadapterδve tδ cilδt janδ tδ lidhur me PCI-Bus dhe ISA Plug-n-Play Bus
Audio codecs list=Lista e audiokodeksit
Video codecs list=Lista e videokodeksit
Media control devices list=Lista e Mediacontroller-it
Hard disks, CD & DVD drives, SMART information=Informata rreth disqeve, CD-ve dhe DVD-ve tδ llojit SMART.
Storage controllers and devices list=Informata rreth kontrolluesit tδ memorjes dhe mjeteve
Logical drives information=Informata rreth disqeve logjike
Physical drives information, partitions list=Informata rreth disqeve fizike dhe listδs sδ particioneve
CD & DVD drives information=Informata rreth disqeve, CD-ve dhe DVD-ve
ASPI SCSI devices list=Lista e mjeteve ASPI SCSI
ATA hard disks information=Informata rreth disqeve ATA
SMART hard disk health information=Informata rreth disqeve qδ mbδshteten nδ SMART.
Network subsystem information=Informata rreth subsistemeve tδ rrjetit
Network adapters list=Lista e adapterδve tδ rrjetit
List of network adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=Lista e adapterδve tδ rrjetit, tδ cilat janδ tδ lidhura me Plug-n-Play Bus-in PCI und ISA.
Modem, ISDN, DSL dial-up connections list=Lista e lidhjeve pδrmes tδ Modem-it, ISDN-it dhe DSL-it
Network resources list=Lista e resorseve tδ rrjetit
Outlook and Outlook Express accounts information=Informatat e kontos Outlook dhe Outlook Express
Internet settings=Opcionet e internetit
List of network routes=Lista e nyjeve tδ rrjetit
Internet Explorer cookies list=Lista e Cooki-ve tδ Internet Explorer-it
Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera visited places list=Lista e vendeve tδ vizituara me Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator dhe Opera
DirectX devices information=Informatat e mjetit DirectX
DirectX driver files list=Lista e skedarδve shtytδs DirectX
DirectDraw and Direct3D display adapters information=Informatat e karteles grafike DirectDraw dhe Direct3D
DirectSound audio adapters information=Informatat e karteles sδ zδrit DirectSound
DirectMusic audio adapters information=Informatat e karteles sδ zδrit DirectMusic
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=Shumica e lojrave 3D funksionojnδ mδ mirδ me 256 KB L2 Cache.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=Lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet sδpaku njδ 1 GHz CPU.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=Pδr shpejtδsi optimale u nevojitet sδpaku Windows 9x dhe njδ CPU me 100 MHz.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=Pδr shpejtδsi optimale u nevojitet sδpaku Windows 2000+ dhe njδ CPU me 300 MHz.
MMX is not supported.=MMX nuk mbδshtet.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE nuk mbδshtet. Bδni njδ Upgrade tδ CPU-sδ pδr tδ mbδshtetδ SSE.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=Egzistojnδ mδ pak se 3 Slots pδr memorje. Zgjδrimi i memorjes do tδ jet i vδshtirδ.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=Keni tδ instaluar mδ pak se 32 MB memorje pune.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Sistemeve operative moderne u nevojiten sδpaku 128 MB memorje pune pδr shpejtδsi optimale.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Lojrave 3D u nevojiten sδpaku 256 MB memorje pune pδr shpejtδsi optimale.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Kompjuterδve servues u nevojiten sδpaku 256 MB memorje pune pδr shpejtδsi optimale.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Zgjδrojeni memorjen e punδs pδr tδ pδrmirδsuar shpejtδsinδ e sistemit.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=╟ipi i pllakδzδs amδ nuk mund tδ mbulojδ tδrδ memorjen e punδs.
Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=╟ipi i memorjes nuk mund tδ pδrdorδ mδ tepδr memorje pune.
External cache is asynchronous.=Cache-i ekstern punon nδ mδnyrδ asinkrone.
External cache is disabled.=Cache-i ekstern δshtδ deaktivizuar.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Memorja e punδs δshtδ e ngadalshme (FPM / EDO / BEDO). Nδse δshtδ e mundshme atδherδ vendosni memorjen SDRAM apo RDRAM.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=Lojrat moderne pδrdorin memorje mδ tδ shpejta pune (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=AGP δshtδ deaktivizuar.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=Madhδsia e transportimit nδ AGP δshtδ mδ shumδ se gjysma e madhδsisδ sδ memorjes sδ sistemit.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=Shpejtδsia aktuele e AGP δshtδ mδ e vogδl se ajo qδ mbδshtetet maksimalisht.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=BIOS i sistemit δshtδ mδ i vjetδr se 2 vjet. Shikoni se a egziston ndonjδ update.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Video BIOS δshtδ mδ i vjetδr se 2 vjet. Shikoni se a egziston ndonjδ update.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=╦shtδ vetδm njδ procesor i instaluar, do tδ duhej ta ndryshoni nδ uniprocesorit.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=Sistemi juaj posedon aftδsi tδ punoj me Windows 2000/XP. Mundδsia egziston qδ tδ instaloni kδtδ sistem.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=Sistemi juaj posedon aftδsi tδ punoj me Windows 98/ME. Mundδsia egziston qδ tδ instaloni kδtδ sistem.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Service Pack δshtδ vjetruar. Pδr Windows NT rekomandohet Service Pack 5 apo nδ i ri.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows ekzekutohet mδ tepδr se 10 ditδ tanimδ. Bδni njδ ristartim pδr tδ pδrmirδsuar shpejtδsinδ e ekzekutimit.
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer δshtδ vjetruar. Ju rekomadkojmδ verzionin 5.0 apo mδ tδ ri.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=Nuk mund tδ gjej DirectX. Programeve dhe lojrave moderne u nevojitet DirectX.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX δshtδ vjetruar. Lojrat moderne pδrdorin sδpaku DirectX 7 apo mδ tδ ri.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=Gjeta mδ pak se 4 MB video memorje. Njδ kartelδ e re grafike me mδ tepδr memorje do tδ rriste shpejtδsinδ e ekzekutimit.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=Lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet sδpaku 32MB video memorje.
Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Pδr kualitet mδ tδ lartδ tδ fotografive rriteni rezolucionin e ekranit.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Pδr kualitet mδ tδ lartδ tδ fotografive rriteni thellδsinδ e ngjyrave.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Disa programe punojnδ mδ mirδ me njδ thellδsi ngjyrash prej 32-Bit-δve.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Pδrdorimi i shkrimeve tδ mδdha shkakton problem pδr ata programe tδ cilat nuk kanδ parapa njδ gjδ tδ tillδ.
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.=Ju rekomandojmδ sδpaku 85 Hz fekuencδ vertikale tδ pδrsδritjes sδ fotografive pδr ekrane normale.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=Vendosni komprimuesin e IP-Header-it pδr tδ rritδ shpejtδsinδ e rrjetit.
Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Vendosni komprimuesin e software-it pδr tδ rritδ shpejtδsinδ e rrjetit.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetδ paraqitjen 32-Bit-ore. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet Z-puferi. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet 32-Bit Z-puferi. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet filtrimi joizotropik. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet puferi Stencil. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nuk mbδshtetet Hardware Transform & Lighting. Disa lojrave moderne 3D u nevojitet njδ gjδ e tillδ.
// preferences
Long Pages=Pδrshkrim i gjδrδ
Security Grade=Shkalla e sigurisδ
New Item=Fushδ e re
Modify Item=Ndrysho fushδn
General=Nδ pδrgjithδsi
Report Look=Pamja e raportit
Schedule=Planifikuesi i task-ut
Remote Features=Remote cilδsitδ (rrejt i largδt)
Custom Components=Komponentet e vetvendosura
Asset Profile=Profili aktiv
Custom Programs=Programet e preferuara
File Scanner=Skenuesi i skedarδve
Computer primary role:=Roli kryesor i kompjuterit:
&General=&Nδ pδrgjithδsi
3&D Gaming=Lojra &3D
&Full name:=E&mri:
&E-mail address:=E-Ma&il adresa:
&Load device driver under Win95/98/Me=&Thδrras shtytδsit e mjetit pδr Win95/98/ME
Lo&ad device driver under WinNT/2000/XP/2003=T&hδrras shtytδsit e mjetit pδr WinNT/2000/XP/2003
Low-level &MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet &MSR tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit)
Low-level &PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet &PCI tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit)
Low-level &SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet &SMBus tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit)
Low-level s&ensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Udhδzimet sen&zorike tδ afδrta tδ sistemit (Nδ raste tδ rralla shkaktojnδ kolaps tδ sistemit)
Max Local Players=Numri maksimal lokal i lojtarδve
DirectPlay Connection Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ DirectPlay
Guaranteed Message Delivery=Transportimi i garantuar i mesazheve
Message Encryption=Kodimi i mesazheve
Message Signing=Nδnshkrimi i mesazheve
Session Host=Host-i i sesionit
Group Messaging Optimization=Optimimi i mesazheve grupore
Guaranteed Message Delivery Optimization=Optimimi i transportimit tδ garantuar tδ mesazheve
Keep Alives Optimization=Optimimi i mbajtjes sδ lidhjes
Device Properties=Vetitδ e mjetit
Driver Date=Data e shtytδsit
Driver Provider=Ofruesi i shtytδsit
INF File=Skedari INF
Hardware ID=ID e Hardver-it
Device Features=Cilδsitδ e mjetit
PCI Devices=Mjetet PCI
PnP Devices=Mjetet PnP
LPT PnP Devices=Mjetet LPT PnP
USB Devices=Mjetet USB
PCMCIA Devices=Mjetet PCMCIA
FireWire Devices=Mjetet FireWire
Bus %d, Device %d, Function %d=Bus-i %d, mjeti %d, funksioni %d
Bus / Device / Function=Funksionet e Bus-it / Mjetit
Subsystem ID=ID e subsistemit
Printer Properties=Vetitδ e printerit
Default Printer=Printeri standard
Share Point=Pδrdorim i pδrbashkδt
Printer Port=Porti i printerit
Printer Driver=Shtytδsi i printerit
Print Processor=Procesori i printerit
Separator Page=Kufizimi i faqeve
Print Jobs Queued=Porositδ nδ pritje pδr shtypje
Paper Properties=Vetitδ e letrδs
Paper Size=Madhδsia e letrδs
Print Quality=Kualiteti i shtypjes
Printer Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i printerit
Task Properties=Vetitδ e Task-ut
Application Name=Emri i programit
Application Parameters=Parametrat e programit
Working Folder=Follderi i punδs
Last Run=Startimi i fundit
Next Run=Startimi i ardhδshδm
Task Triggers=Shkaktari i Task-ut
Trigger #%d=Shkaktari #%d
Power Management Properties=Vetitδ e Power Management
Current Power Source=Burimi aktual i rrymδs
Battery Status=Statuti i baterisδ
Full Battery Lifetime=Kohδzgjatja e baterisδ
Remaining Battery Lifetime=Koha e mbetur e baterisδ
Time Zone=Zona kohore
Current Time Zone=Zona aktuale kohore
Current Time Zone Description=Pδrshkrimi i zonδs aktuale kohore
Change To Standard Time=Kthe nδ kohδn dimrore
Change To Daylight Saving Time=Kthe nδ kohδn verore
Language Name (Native)=Gjuha (Regjionale)
Language Name (English)=Gjuha (Anglisht)
Language Name (ISO 639)=Gjuha (ISO 639)
Country Name (Native)=Emri i shtetit (Regjional)
Country Name (English)=Emri i shtetit (Anglisht)
Country Name (ISO 3166)=Emri i shtetit
Country Code=Kodi i shtetit
Currency Name (Native)=Emri i valutδs (Regjionale)
Currency Name (English)=Emri i valutδs (Anglisht)
Currency Symbol (Native)=Simboli i valutδs (Regjionale)
Currency Symbol (ISO 4217)=Simboli i valutδs (ISO 4217)
Currency Format=Formati i valutδs
Negative Currency Format=Formati negativ i valutδs
Time Format=Formati i kohδs
Short Date Format=Data me formatim tδ shkurtδ
Long Date Format=Data me formatim tδ gjatδ
Number Format=Formatimi i numrave
Negative Number Format=Formatimi i numrave (Regjional)
List Format=Formatimi i listave
Native Digits=Shifrat regjionale
Days Of Week=Ditδt e javδs
Native Name for Monday=E Hδnδ(Regjional)
Native Name for Tuesday=E Mart (Regjional)
Native Name for Wednesday=E Mδrkurδ (Regjional)
Native Name for Thursday=E Ejte (Regjional)
Native Name for Friday=E Premte (Regjional)
Native Name for Saturday=E Shtunδ (Regjional)
Native Name for Sunday=E Dielδ (Regjional)
Native Name for January=Janar (Regjional)
Native Name for February=Shkurt (Regjional)
Native Name for March=Mars (Regjional)
Native Name for April=Prill (Regjional)
Native Name for May=Maj (Regjional)
Native Name for June=Qershor (Regjional)
Native Name for July=Korrik (Regjional)
Native Name for August=Gusht (Regjional)
Native Name for September=Shtator (Regjional)
Native Name for October=Tetor (Regjional)
Native Name for November=Nδntor (Regjional)
Native Name for December=Dhjetor (Regjional)
Native Name for Month #13=Emri pδr muajin e #13 (Regjional)
Miscellaneous=Tδ ndryshme
Calendar Type=Lloji i Kalendarit
Default Paper Size=Formatimi standard i letrδs
Measurement System=Sistemi i matjes
Start Page=Faqja startuese
Search Page=Faqja kδrkuese
Download Folder=Follderi pδr shkarkim
Current Proxy=Proxy aktual
Proxy Status=Statuti i proxy-it
***LAN Proxy=LAN proxy
%s Proxy Server=Proxy serveri %s
Module Name=Emri i modulit
Module Size=Madhδsia e modulit
Module Type=LLoji i modulit
Memory Type=Lloji i memorjes
Memory Speed=Shpejtδsia e memorjes
Module Width=Gjδrδsia e modulit
Module Voltage=Tensioni i modulit
Refresh Rate=Kδsti i freskimit
Memory Module Features=Vetitδ e jashtδzakonshme tδ modulit tδ memorjes
Memory Module Manufacturer=Prodhuesi i modulit tδ memorjes
Last Shutdown Time=Koha e τkyτjes sδ fundit
Last Boot Time=Koha e fundit e kyτjes
Current Time=Koha momentale
UpTime Statistics=Statistika e dhezjes
First Boot Time=Hera e parδ e kyτjes
First Shutdown Time=Koha e parδ e τkyτjes
Total UpTime=Koha totale gjatδ kyτjes
Total DownTime=Gjithδsejt fikδ
Longest UpTime=Gjithδsejt dhezδ
Longest DownTime=Koha mδ e gjatδ fikδ
Total Reboots=Gjithδsejt rikyτje
System Availability=Sistemi nδ disponim
Bluescreen Statistics=Statistika e ekranit tδ kaltδrt
First Bluescreen Time=Hera e parδ e ekrani tδ kaltδrt
Last Bluescreen Time=Hera e fundit tδ ekranit tδ kaltδrt
Total Bluescreens=Gjithδsejt ekrane tδ kaltδrta
// messages
Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=Julutem pritni deri tδ kryhet kontrollimi.
During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=Gjatδ kδsaj kohe nuk mund t'a pδrdorni kompjuterin.
Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=Julutem mos shtypni ndonjδ pullδ dhe mos e lδvizni miun.
Are you sure you want to uninstall=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi t'i deinstaloni programin?
Database parameters are not configured yet=Parametrat e datotekδs ende nuk janδ konfiguruar
Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Shko te: Menyja e skedarδve / Perferencat /Datoteka
Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi t'i lagoni tδ gjithδ kompjuterδt nga auditimi
CPU Speed=Shpejtδsia e CPU-sδ
CPU Multiplier=Shumδzuesi i CPU-sδ
CPU Cache=Cache-i i CPU-sδ
SPD Memory Modules=Modulet e memorjes SPD
Memory Bus=Bus-i i memorjes
Memory Clock=Ora e memorjes
Connecting to FTP server=Lidhje me serverin FTP
Clear List=Pastro listδn
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi tδ pastroni listδn e cookie-ve tδ Internet Explorer?
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=A jeni i sigurt se dδshironi tδ pastroni historinδ e brouzerit Internet Explorer?
Memory Timings=Afatizimi i memorjes
North Bridge Properties=Vetitδ e urδs veriore
North Bridge=Ura veriore
South Bridge Properties=Vetitδ e urδs jugore
South Bridge=Ura jugore
Lavalys does not provide official support for this freeware product=Lavalys nuk japin ndihmδ zyrtare pδr kδtδ Freeware produkt!
AMD Brand ID=(AMD) Identifikuesi i markδs
64-bit x86 Extension=Zgjδrimi 64-bit x86
Server port:=Porta e serverit:
A&uthorize Change=&Ndrysho autorizimin
SMART Hard Disks Status=Statuti SMART i Hard-Disk-ut
Group Membership=Pjesmarrja e grupit
Report &title:=&Titulli i raportit:
Database Software=Software i datotekδs
Database Servers=Server i datotekδs
BIOS Upgrades=Freskim i BIOS-it
Entry of &INI file=Hyrja e skedarit &INI
INI file=Skedari INI
INI group=Grupi INI
INI entry=Hyrja nδ INI
Chassis Intrusion Detected=Njohja e forcδ e shasisδ
Supported FourCC Codes=Kodet FourCC egzistuese
PCI-X Bus Properties=Vetitδ e Bus-it PCI-X
PCI-X Device Properties=Vetitδ mjetit PCI-X
Current Bus Mode=Modusi aktual i Bus-it
64-bit Device=Mjet 64 bitδsh
PCI-X 266 Bus=PCI-X 266 bus
PCI-X 533 Bus=PCI-X 533 bus
%d MHz Operation=Operacion %d MHz
HyperTransport Version=Verzioni HyperTransport
Link Type=Tipi i nyjδzimit
Link Status=Statuti i nyjδzimit
Max Link Width In / Out=Gjδrδsia maksimale e nyjes Hyrδse/Dalδse
Utilized Link Width In / Out=Gjδrδsia e nyjes Hyrδse/Dalδse nδ pδrdorim
Max Link Frequency=Frekuenca maksimale e nyjes
Current Link Frequency=Frekuenca e nyjes aktuale
Primary / Secondary Bus Number=Numri i Bus-it primar / sekondar
You specified a command-line option that is unavailable in the NR (No Remote) edition of %s you are currently running=Keni specifikuar njδ opcion tδ rrjeshtit komandues i cili nuk ka τasje nδ edicionin %s NR (No Remote) tδ cilin e jeni duke e pδrdorur momentalisht
To use one or more of the following command-line options, please use the non-NR edition of %s=Pδr tδ pδrdorur njδ apo mδ tepδr opcione tδ rrjeshtit komandues , julutem pδrdorni edicionin jo-NR tδ %s
File Properties=Vetitδ e skedarδve
File properties logged by the File Scanner:=Vetitδ e skedarδve tδ zgjedhur nga skenuesi i skedarδve
Active Mode=Modusi aktiv
EVEREST Home Edition is intended to be used only in home environment.=EVEREST Home Edition parshihet tδ pδrdoret vetδm pδr nevoja private.
This computer is a member of a network domain (%s), which is not supported by EVEREST Home Edition.=Ky komjuter δshtδ anδtar i domenit tδ rrjetit (%s), i cili nuk mbδshtet nga EVEREST Home Edition.amit az EVEREST Home Edition nem tamogat.
Please use EVEREST Professional instead of Home Edition in a corporate environment.=Ju lutemi qδ pδr nevoja zyrtare tδ pδrdorni EVEREST Professional nδ vend tδ HOME Edition.